Metal Slug: The Ultimate History (БАМП)


Твердый переплет, 210x297 мм, 452 стр., на английском языке.


Metal Slug: The Ultimate History is the first officially-licensed book to document the lineage of one of gaming’s most beloved franchises.


An instant classic on its debut in 1996, the original Metal Slug laid the foundations for an action-packed series that would become globally renowned for its tight gameplay, gorgeous hand-drawn visuals and playful sense of humour. The franchise has effortlessly retained these core attributes across multiple sequels and spin-offs in the years since, and this publication – the first officially-licensed and fully-endorsed book of its kind, ever – not only aims to illuminate the rich history of the franchise via hundreds of carefully curated screenshots and a comprehensive written account of its often mysterious history, but also seeks to celebrate the iconic artwork which has made millions of players fall in love with the antics of the plucky Peregrine Falcon Squad.


To help achieve this goal, SNK has offered unprecedented access to its vast archive of high-resolution concept artwork and illustrations, some of which is being made publicly available for the first time. The book also contains 11 exclusive and incredibly detailed interviews with key members of the development team, including Kazuma Kujo, Takushi Hiyamuta, Andoh Kenji and Takeshi Okui, the latter two of whom have never previously spoken about the series. These insightful discussions bust myths and reveal the real truth behind the creation and evolution of this esteemed franchise, extensively covering its beginnings at Nazca and the truth behind Metal Slug Zero – the version of Metal Slug that existed, before Marco and Tarma, when you controlled only the SV-001 tank. The book also explores the roots of Metal Slug, looking at Irem titles In the Hunt and GunForce II and how these arcade cult classics influenced what was to come later.

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